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Graviton Tower
AKoC Graviton Turret
Faction ChinaLogoThumb Atomic Kingdom of China
Building Type Base Defence
Function Support
Cost Unknown
Construction Time Unknown
Power Consumption Unknown
Ability Graviton Beam/Graviton Field
low damage beam slows target/slows everything around it
Constructs -
Heroic Upgrade Improved Beam/Field
• Graviton Beam now completely immobilises targeted unit and deals more damage
• Graviton Field now deals minor damage and debuffs attack range and damage of surrounding units
Dev. Status Conceptual
Country of Origin  RoyalChinathumb China
Made by  
Key Features  » Graviton Beam Cannon (based on tractor beam)
 » Graviton Dispersion Field
 » Dome-Shaped Design (least likely to be crushed by its own gravity field)
 » Clone Gunner (unable to get up)
 » "Please Don't Hang Anything Up" Sign

Tactical Analysis[]

  • Hold it right there!: The Graviton Tower brings your foes advance to halt. While it doesn’t do much damage, any enemy hit by its beam has their speed reduced to a crawl.
  • Like walking through mud: The turret can also instead fill its immediate surroundings with graviton. While this isn’t as effective nor does it do any damage, it causes everyone around it to be slowed down.
  • Take that gravity!: While good at slowing things down , the turret is not effective at actually hurting things. Its gun is also unable to elevate high enough to hit airborne foes.
  • Turn up the gravity: New gravitec generators have recently been devised, increasing the amount of graviton the turret can produce. Beams can cause their targets to be so weighted down that they are unable to move and slowly crushed under their own weight, while the fields density is so much that the enemies projectiles are effected. However the machines are rather finicky to make (not to mention heavy) preventing them from being introduced in large quantities.


The Graviton is a curious and extremely dificult to isolate and utilise particle that, for the lack of a better comparison, is to gravity as the photon is to electromagnetic force. The Graviton Tower is an advanced base defence designed to utilize this particle to slow down enemy units, giving friendly units more time to take pot shots at enemies.

The Graviton Tower's origins can be traced back to a Northern Chinese installation that was under attack by curious purple automations. A hastily improvised Graviton Tower was constructed to keep the ever advancing swarm of robots from overwhelming the Chinese defences. It does so in two ways: first, via a directed and low damage beam that greatly impedes the movement of a single target; and second, through a passive field that reduces the movement speed of all inside it.

Atomic Kingdom of China Royal Guard

Paradox-Exclusive Faction.

Infantry TigerWatchmanJiang ShiFirework MistressScholarCourtesanNoble OfficerKite WarriorMingxia
Vehicles Horse Ore CollectorSerpent Light TankNian TankSwine Dig TankRooster Pull TankMobile GarrisonMantis War-WalkerZodiac Fist
Aircraft Orbital Command VehicleWar ThroneBird of PreyPeng Streamer PlaneThunderbird DropshipDefiance Flying JunkEclipse Star Voyager
Watercraft Ray-SharkJiaolong Torpedo ShipKun Ballistic SubGreat Wing ShipRoyal Gong ShipQilin Ray CruiserSea Hawk Infinite Battleship
Structures Command YardSpace ElevatorPlanetary AssemblyAtomic GeneratorAnti-Matter GeneratorBarrier DuplicatorEmplacement RegulatorTurret RegulatorOutpost ManagerStarfleet DatabaseCelestial DepotTeleport HubMissile SiloAtomic Palace
Low-end Turrets Radio EmplacementRay TurretDisruptor EmplacementTractor EmplacementWatchtowersTorpedo Turret
High-end Turrets Teleforce CannonPull TurretGraviton TowerTeleport BunkerShield TowerAnnihilator Turret
Deployable Turrets Radio AutoturretDisruptor AutoturretTractor AutoturretAmbush TurretTank BunkerRegenerator TurretPagoda Mobile Castle
Walls and Obstacles Curtain WallCurtain GateForce WallPlasma ConduitPower WallFortress Gate
Protocols Kingdom Protocols
Playing RoosterOverchargeShields RechargedBarrier HubChina SyndromeGuillotine ShieldRaise ShieldsCelestial KiteBian HauSmart BombThe Hand of the ZodiacForbidden VillageFireworks Festival
Technologies Atomic FissionRay WeaponsPlanar ShieldsRadio WeaponryAnti-MatterTractor BeamsTeleportationJadeCloning
Detailed Information Star FleetChinese Civil WarAtomic Chinese CharactersJade and FireBattle Group Inventory